RAF Exhibition 2017

RAF Exhibition 2017

So after an absolutely amazing weekend at our exhibition “Changes” which was part of the Royston Arts Festival we have a few thank you messages before I announce the top five chosen images by our 667 visitors! YES 667 visitors...how brilliant is that!!

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Thank you to every single member who gave up their time over the weekend to help out – you all contributed to it being a very successful event. You talked, walked, smiled, guided, measured, straightened, handed out programmes, ...smiled some more, counted, sorted and tided! Well done you all did such a fantastic job, thank you.

We would like to give a personal shout out to a few members as without these guys helping out it would become an impossible task.  Andrew FoxSam Orchard JonesRhiannon Maslen and David Hatton - thank you for the plans, posters, proof reading, cutting, prepping, printing and morale support. This is real team work and that's how we get things done; working together.

Looking forward to people posting their images of the exhibition taken over the weekend - please share on facebook.   Thanks all!!!  Sarah

So... which photograph was the most favoured by our visitors? We had 513 voting slips completed and which favourite photograph was the topic of most conversations. Huge congratulations to the following members, you should all be very proud:

The Top 5 Images - voted for at the exhibition:

1st = Bob Coote  with "Snettisham's Knot"  with 68 votes

Snettisham is a wonderful place to
see the ever-changing shapes of the
flocks of mainly Knot. 

2nd = Bob Coote with  "Therfield Heath"   with 55 votes


Therfield heath is a photographers dream, as the colours and profiles are forever changing. In this shot I managed to capture the Deer. 

3rd = Jitka Brynjolffssen   with "Autumnal Changes at Wimpole Bridge"  with 50 votes

Walking in Wimpole is always a pleasure but especially in Autumn when the leaves are changing. The colours are beautiful. The Wimpole Bridge is just enclosed in wonderful colourful leaves above as well as on the ground; it just begged to be photographed.  Taken on my phone October 2015.

4th = Peter Andrew  with  "Changing Tides"  with 39 votes

This photo was taken looking over the Menai Straits on a late December afternoon at low tide.  The harsh winter light, coupled with low patchy cloud produced a strong image of light and shade that emphasised the tidal patterns in the sand, soon to be erased.
Canon 40D, lens @17mm, f/14, 1/250 sec, ISO 320

5th =  Michael Smith  with  "Ice Bubble"  with 36 votes

I made a few ice bubble images last winter and it is fascinating to watch a soap bubble change into a delicate ice bubble.
Canon 760D, Canon 100mm macro lens, 1/80 sec, ISO 400