Membership and Constitution


The society always welcomes new members. Even if you don’t immediately plan to join, you can always come to our meetings for few introductory sessions. Should you decide to join membership is easy to arrange and provides you with the following benefits –

  • Access to a wealth of experience within the existing membership
  • Gaining experience via practical events, talks and visits organised by the society
  • Publicity for your work via the various exhibitions the society takes part in
  • An enjoyable social life


The current membership fees are  £50/year .  Concessionary membership of £25-00 for full time students not in employment.

The membership runs from the first week of the new season in September each year and may be pro-rata’d if joining part way through a year at the discretion of the membership secretary. If you would like further information please contact any member of the committee. Their details are on the Contacts page.


Each new member will be informed about  details of the society, its aims, constitution and principal contacts.  They shall be shown shown the website and how to navigate within it. 
New members will be introduced to the club and also invited to provide us with an indication of their current interests in photography and their level of experience.  


Here is a link to download our constitution: Constitution

Committee – Main Responsibilities and Key Tasks

Here is a link to download the responsibilities for the Committee  Members:
RPS Committee Key tasks