The Club is closed for the rest of the season

Dear members,

Given the recent escalation in government’s Covid-19 response and the move to a delay phase, the committee has made the decision to cancel the rest of the 2019/20 programme and suspend meetings with immediate effect.

As I’m sure you are all aware, the majority of club members are in one of the high risk groups.  We also meet in a school which has the potential to have a number of super spreaders during the day, leading to increased risk of viral transmission despite the best efforts of the school cleaning team.  On this basis, the committee feels that it is wrong to expose our more vulnerable members to this increased risk.

The committee has made the following decisions:

1. All meetings for the remainder of the 2019/20 season are cancelled with immediate effect.
2. The committee will monitor the situation and decide on the viability of holding the museum exhibition in the coming weeks.
3. This year’s POTY competition is rendered void as not enough competitions have been held to declare a clear winner.
4. The 2020/21 season will start as planned in September if the situation allows.
5. The Arts Festival exhibition will go ahead as planned in September as long as the Arts Festival itself goes ahead.

Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter.

Best regards,